Crowd at a concert at night


Event cancellation and non-appearance policies and adverse weather policies specialists.

Event cancellation and non-appearance policies

We handle claims for UK and international artists, promoters, festival organisers, and theatre producers, drawing on the Spotlite team’s prior experience, including working directly in theatre and arts management and for a major ticketing software company. Our adjusters are uniquely placed to assist all stakeholders with loss mitigation and the accurate quantification of losses. The team handled high volumes of claims, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, quickly and efficiently and has experience going back 30 years.

Adverse weather policies

Our team’s experience encompasses both short-term photographic adverse weather policies and policies covering specific events such as sporting events and Christmas light shows arising anywhere in the world. The team’s linguistic skills also enable us to handle claims arising in Europe, quickly and cost-effectively communicating with policyholders in their native tongue and reading and understanding the sometimes complex contracts without the need for translators.